Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Have Fun... It Might Help!

I have been given software to help improve brain function by both a neuro-psychiatrist and my insurance company.  It is supposed to be fun, easy to use and great for stimulating brain function.  Only problem???  They were sooooo boring that I would dread doing them.  Then I read online that the particular software was developed to improve driving ability in older adults.  I realized then that at least two of the "games" were to increase field of vision.  I figured I was just wasting my time, plus if they were so boring, how much brain function could they possibly be stimulating.  My solution?  I started playing games on Facebook, silly fun games that require quick thinking and hand-eye coordination.  My two favorites are Zuma Blitz and Solitaire Blitz.  They are both entertaining to me and both seem much more brain stimulating than the medical software games were.  Plus, I enjoy myself!

I also read a lot.  I have always enjoyed reading, and now I can justify to myself that's it's okay to just sit and read when I want to!  Just about any genre of books can't help but stimulate the brain and keep it active.  I'm always learning new tidbits of information when I read.  I don't have a medical degree, but it sure makes a lot of sense to me that this must help, and sometimes common sense is the best thing we have going for us.

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